
Pale and Proud!

As winter comes closer and closer and summer goes farther and farther away, I am one of many whose skin goes from tan to ghost.  I especially notice it when Mike (who never goes ghost) and I stand next to each other in the mirror, or the inevitable wearing of shorts to the gym where I am surrounded of girls who keep that "healthy" glow throughout the year.  I try to convince myself of all the negative health and wallet effects of tanning beds, but I still long for that tan.  So, I did an internet search and came upon two articles, which made me proud to be pale and gave me reasons to add plenty of SPF during the summer.



One article stated that the pale "trend started with Hollywood actresses such as Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Julianne Moore, and Gwyneth Paltrow, whose porcelain skin reflects their A-list status on the red carpet. Put simply, paleness equals class. And it's sexy."

"According to a recent report from the University of Toronto, men are more attracted to fairer-skinned women, as they appear innocent and pure."

So pale is the new tan! I subconscously knew it all along.  Now if only being heavier made you seem attractive and wealthy like way back when.


Movie time

This weekend was a bit laid back.  We went to see Immortals, which was fantastic if you love action movies and/or eye candy.  We suggest that you see it in 3D.  It is rated R, which you could tell by the intense squeamish looks on our faces for the last hour.

The rest of the weekend was compiled of watching other movies and football.  Our friends cooked a great meal, which included a smoked turkey (it smelled delicious, dang vegetarianism).


Costume Party

This past weekend Mike and I had a costume party with our friends at Muriel's house.  It was a blast consisting of games and a dance party, where everyone was the DJ.  Mike and I were Quailman and Patty Mayonnaise (people had a hard time guessing my costume without Mike).  Here are some of the costumes (I was in way too many of them):

Quailman and Patty Mayonnaise  (from Doug)

The Lion

Sexy Nerd


The lion and the lamb (lamb growling and lion frightened)                    

Catter-A-Rue Who (loving the onesie)

Chris's Purdue costume (dancing to Soulja Boy)

 Mad Scientist  (Mayhem behind him, he was with Flo from Progressive)                            
   - the dry ice made the party drinks fun                                                   

Samurai Banana